Invited to a Dinner Party with Diabetes - What to Do ??!!

Today I want to cover a topic that a lot of you have asked about: what happens if you're invited to a dinner? Can you join the party?

Perfect example: we are actually invited to a dinner party of friends tonight. My first tip for you is to find out what they're serving. I am so grateful to our friends that they always are looking out for me because you if you've have heard any of my previous videos or seen any of my writings, you know that I follow a plant-based vegetarian diet. My friends are serving chili tonight but also wanted to know if a vegetarian chili would be okay for me. So what I did next was ask them β€œcan you send me the recipe?” so I could look at the ingredients and it was great absolutely plant-based vegetarian chili!

BUT with chili remember that we have beans as our carbs and protein. Therefore I wanted to offer two dishes to bring so that I know that I will be all set with my meal with a little extra boost of protein. I suggested making these caprese skewers which have mozzarella, cheese, grape tomato, and basil; very easy to make and diabetes friendly with just two grams of carbs and it'll give me a boost of protein to help balance things out when I eat the chili.

Then I also asked if I could bring low-carb peanut butter cookies and they were thrilled! These peanut butter cookies also are only three grams of carbs; this recipe came from the American Diabetes Association and it has a boost of protein because of the peanut butter.

If you have diabetes, you can still enjoy your dinner party with friends with some easy adjustments and additions to the menu. If you offer to bring a plate or two to round things out for yourself, the hosts will greatly appreciate it!


You can do it. Enjoy the Holidays as You Manage Your Diabetes


Can You Eat Crackers While Having Diabetes?