Zucchini Provencale

Watch Toby prepare this simple dish with a favorite summer squash, recipe courtesy of our friend Chef Lindsey Singleton. A shallot, a tomato and some fresh tarragon combine perfectly in this saute, and with less than 5 grams of carbohydrate per serving help yourself to a second round.

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and we'll deliver your weekly menu with simple, but incredible, diabetes-friendly recipes every Friday night (along with the grocery list). We don't believe in denying ourselves marvelous tasting food.
Watch Toby prepare this simple dish with a favorite summer squash, recipe courtesy of our friend Chef Lindsey Singleton. A shallot, a tomato and some fresh tarragon combine perfectly in this saute, and with less than 5 grams of carbohydrate per serving help yourself to a second round.



Low Carb, High Protein Diet Increases Long-term Heart Risk


Seared Halibut with Shaved Zucchini & Almond Salad