This Was Hard!!!

The book is complete- well, the first draft is complete. And, most importantly, it looks like there may be a few days rest before the editorial inquiries start. But, there can't be too much rest since the release date is set for October 28th - we all know how time flies.

I am really pleased with the result, and I have an even greater appreciation for the work that my friends - including the authors you enjoy through DiabetesEveryDay- put into their work. I only thought that I understood before this undertaking - now I REALLY understand how challenging this book writing process is.

So, before I duck back into my cave to begin the final polishing I'll just express a wish that this work helps people take control of their own diabetes. My co-author and I were on the same page, literally and figuratively, the whole way, and I appreciate the credibility that Dr. Alan Rubin brings to the subject of diabetes and food. This post is more or less just a big exhale, but I will look forward to sharing the ideas we covered, and a few new recipes from Chef Lindsey Singleton, as we approach Diabetes Awareness Month this November.

Now, it's back to work!!


Chicken Scampi


Black Bean Burgers