Coronavirus Challenge- Need Something To Do? Be a Dummy!

Being on lockdown is a good time to read a book, even if you are a very, very slow reader. How about this one?

Welcome to Diabetes Every Day…. I’m Toby Smithson, your guide to credible information and guidance for managing diabetes.

Today I want to introduce you to something near and dear to my heart….Diabetes Meal Planning and Nutrition for Dummies… by me, with contributions from Dr. Alan Rubin, and lots of help from my editor at John Wiley & Sons Publishing, my husband Tony and my long personal experience with diabetes. I’m a little embarrassed bragging about this book, but the reviews from readers have been so overwhelmingly positive that I think it’s fine to tell you a little about it.

My mission was to tackle the most difficult thing about diabetes management – food. And while my book explains diabetes, how diabetes and food are connected, and what kinds of food we should be eating, I also spend a lot of space explaining why changing eating habits is so incredibly difficult. And, what to do about it….how to make this difficult lifestyle change easier.

Question- do you shop without knowing in advance what meals you intend to prepare? - Do you shop without a shopping list? Can you say “impulse eating.” That’s where the “meal planning” part of the book title comes in.

I don’t want to give away the ending, but if you’re struggling with eating healthier, I’m proud to say confidently that this book can help you. As a bonus there’s a 7 day menu and some fantastic healthy recipes. But understanding the importance of how you eat, why it’s hard to change, and how to make it easier is the real message.

All Dummies books start with a detailed table of contents….before any writing. And we can’t write chapters in order, like chapter 1 then 2 then 3. In the end it means that every chapter can stand alone, so readers can skip around and not be lost. You can actually view the table of contents on Amazon or So, it’s an easy read even if you’re not a reader.

Take a look….read the reviews. If you decide to read the book, leave some comments here.

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