3 Tricky Foods That Spike Blood Sugar

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Yes, some carbohydrate foods can really send blood sugar levels up, but there are simple ways to slow down these spikes.

In today’s video, I’m going to choose some of those foods that seem to spike your blood sugar and more importantly, the tricks you can do to help blunt those spikes. 


First Carb Choice - Oatmeal

Oatmeal. Many of my patients have told me they avoid oatmeal because they don’t want to spike their blood sugar. Oatmeal is definitely one of my good-for-you healthy carb choices. Oatmeal is a complex carb, not a simple carb like hard candy. Oatmeal has fiber - my recommendation is to look for the oatmeal with the most fiber per serving. Look at the nutrition facts panel to make sure you aren’t overdoing your portion; a good starting point is to have a total of 15-30 grams carb portion.

Now for the trick -We want to add protein to help slow the absorption of the carb choice, so we can add 1-2 Tablespoons hemp seeds or ¼ cup egg white or even plant-based milk with less than 1g carb but containing 8 grams protein.

Second Carb Choice - Potatoes

The second carb choice that tends to get a bad rap is Potatoes. Ok, when we talk about portion size matters, it’s not just for people with diabetes; this is for everyone. We know when you don’t eat mindfully; you are at higher risk for chronic conditions, so this message on the portion size of the potato matters. For us, a 15-gram carb portion is equal to a 3 0unce or ¼ of a large baked potato. So, to start with, we need to watch our portion size. And yes…I do weigh my potato after baking, so I know best how to calculate the grams of carb into my meal- whether it's 15, 30, or 45 grams worth of carbohydrate.

In addition to portion size, there is another trick you can do to keep blood sugar from spiking. Eat potato salad! Cooled cooked potatoes have resistant starch, which helps blunt spikes in blood sugar. Plus, when you make potato salad, you will be adding mayonnaise which is a fat that also helps slow down the absorption of carbs. One-half cup of potato salad is equal to 15 grams of carb.

Be Sure To Check Out - Can I Eat Potatoes With Diabetes?

Third Carb Choice - Fruit

Ok, the third food is a whole food group! Fruit.  Fruit is good for your carbohydrate choice loaded with vitamins and minerals, so we don’t want to miss out on this nutrition powerhouse. Here again, portion size matters. 15 grams of carb serving of fruit varies with each type of fruit.  All of these are 15 grams carbohydrate….1/2 banana….4 ounces or about half of this large pear, 17 grapes, 1 ¼ cup whole strawberries, and be cautious about dried fruit…..those 17 grapes become only 2 tablespoons of raisins.  

So, step 1 is to monitor the portion of fruit you are eating, and the added trick is to consume your fruit with a meal or if you want to have fruit as a snack, make sure to combine it with a source of protein like cheese or nuts.

Be Sure To Check Out - Fruits and Veggies, good anytime

I’d love to hear how these suggestions work for you. Please share your comments on my YouTube channel.

Until next time, cheers to your health.

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